Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 6...

Snow, snow go away. As beautiful as it is,and seattle looks amazing all glittery and white-especially at night. I just wish this city was better prepared and didn't go into shut down mode. This is day 6 and i'm still alone in my house with nothing to do. No cable, no computer...I'd even go for video games right now! I've been painting and working on projects but i've been burning out fast and cabin fever has set in, sucking out all motivation. Thank goodness I still have my phone!

I'm writing these from my phone and it only lets me write a limited amount. Today i decided to explore volunteer park and the cemetery. Looked amazing snowy! So bummed the cemetery was closed because of the snow! So i walked the neighborhoods, such beautiful homes. I helped a very nice young man with many physical disabilities shovel snow and an elderly woman across the street. I'm feeling very good right now. I need to explore more often...well... More updates later...

Monday, December 8, 2008

home sweet home

Not that anyone really cares what kind of chaos I live in- but I was bored the other day and started taking camera phone pictures of my apartment and decided to make a blog about it :)

First- the kitchen- yes, it is frankenstein themed...
(i'm still working on it)

My itsy bitsy refrigerator and stove!

the bride....

Living space....

And the pirate bathroom-

my net of hair flowers- my favorite part of my bathroom!

And thats my space- besides my closet. Which some people find interesting, but it was a mess at the time and not so pretty in the pictures, so there.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


It's that time of year again... I'm thinking about what to buy for my dearest and most loved ones. Even some of my closest people are hard to shop for.

So it got me thinking, am I hard to shop for?!?! What if right now my loved ones are agonizing over what to get me?

Well never fear!

(I'm very easy to shop for by the way, I love presents!)

but for those of you who are pondering, these are some things I've run across while on the hunt for gifts for you that would fit very nicely in my life... haha.
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You may call it "Bitsy's Wish List" if you like.

*note: for those of you that don't get my humor, I'm not really expecting anyone to buy me any of this. Just wanted to be clear.* I covet the Beethoven bust candles! And they have many other amazing treasures… don't be surprised if you end up getting something from me from here! Love love love the decoupage deer heads!

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*bags of wholesale swarovski crystals, sequins, lace, ribbons, tulle, feathers in an assortment of colors- served on a giant fluffy marshmallow cloud of course!- every burly girls dream come true!

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New wallpaper for my apartment-

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Sunglasses from

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Sparkle converse! (size 6.5)

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Vintage costume jewelry!

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Cutest ipod dock ever!

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Small vintage chandeliers and birdcages.


One of these: (one day, to find one of these with a bow on its head will be the best day ever!!)

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Or these:

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Or more practically for my apartment of current, one of these:

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Lots of these in every shape size and color!:

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More of my crazy things like:
vintage medical bottles/supplies

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vintage postcards/photos- circus, vaudeville, burlesque related


And as always, anything Frankenstein/cute zombie or Alice related.


Ok I'm done being greedy and a gift glutton now…

OH yeah!

For those of you who don't know already I'm a huge fan of DailyCandy- and you should sign up now!

BUT for even better treasure and those of you who don't like tons of e-mail newsletters- just get one, the best- and go sign up for Thrillist Nation at

Thrilist sifts through the crap to find the best of what's out there.

That's where I have found useful and useless information such as: –based on a Hot-or-Not-esque process to weed out uncomely applicants so that the good looking may prevent a future filled with more Charles Darwins.

(*not that I, Bitsy, need to use an online dating service. Just thought it was quite clever and if I ever do- this will be the one ha).... -yes, hoodies with special pockets to hold beer. For the beer lover in all of us..... -cheatsheet to the six degrees game..... -finally get all of your e-mail at one place!.... -get your own virtual secretary..... -manage all of your money accounts in one place- it even categorizes what you spend your money on and manages your budget, even giving you a financial score. ....

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Ok. That's all folks.


~lil bits~ ....