I came across a bunch of old photos while organizing my photobucket account- not enough to make a time line just yet- BUT that is on it's way. I lost the cd of photos I recently got from my parents so I'm waiting until I find it.
On my way to work I saw this family of geese waddling up the freeway offramp
so cute!
I'm enjoying the summer weather much more this week now that it's slightly cooler. I tried not to complain last week because the sun is so rare here, but it was just TOO damn hot! I think I own too much black for the sun to be here long, I was running out of summer things to wear... hmmmm.... problem.
Add to my list of current problems:
*Need more time- more hours a day or more days a week... both would be nice.
*Need some ideas to make some extra money (who doesn't these days)...hmmm...
Bitsy garage sale anyone???
I came across a bunch of old photos while organizing my photobucket account- not enough to make a time line just yet- BUT that is on it's way. I lost the cd of photos I recently got from my parents so I'm waiting until I find it.
On my way to work I saw this family of geese waddling up the freeway offramp
so cute!
I'm enjoying the summer weather much more this week now that it's slightly cooler. I tried not to complain last week because the sun is so rare here, but it was just TOO damn hot! I think I own too much black for the sun to be here long, I was running out of summer things to wear... hmmmm.... problem.
Add to my list of current problems:
*Need more time- more hours a day or more days a week... both would be nice.
*Need some ideas to make some extra money (who doesn't these days)...hmmm...
Bitsy garage sale anyone???