Getting back into the groove is tough.
Especially when it’s a groove you didn’t really love in the first place.
I really needed a change of pace, and LA was a great little getaway. Even though I was still working, it was great to have a change of atmosphere.
Don’t get me wrong though, there were a few things I missed dearly back here in Seattle. My bed for one, having my closet (there is ALWAYS something I forget to pack!) and people… well, one person mostly.
Ok, enough getting all sappy…. Geez Bits!
LA was full of adventures as always…
Starting off first thing with a trip downtown LA and a visit to the Garment District. It was hot, crowded and miserable, but so lovely. It was a great “You’re Really Back!” moment!

We people watched at the curiously wonderful Clifton’s Cafeteria, ate the yummiest old people food ever, and spent some quiet time in the Sequoia Church.
Then onto the LA Science Center where we had al sorts of fun getting into things! I learned how Styrofoam shrinks in extreme pressure (a lesson that would hit home just one day later) and we panicked as we helplessly (not by choice) watched a father look for his lost son. That was scary! (He was eventually found, and then lectured by a very scared, relived and angry father)

That night we had a Tiki BBQ at Curtis and Heather’s new beach house. We made our own Tiki faces, played with sparklers and magicians magnesium, made s’mores and experimented with new and odd drinks. This probably would explain why I fell while standing still. Hmm, dangerous 99 Bananas...

Nothing much to tell about Sunday... I had so much happen on Saturday that I needed a day to rest!
Monday was Hollywood day. Even though we had a late start (that was mine and my costume/act prepping fault) we started our day off with a late lunch/dinner/happy hour at Mel’s Diner. Then we did some exploring on Hollywood Blvd, stopping at fabulous wig and costume stores and Mann’s Chinese Theater for some much needed inspiration form Hollywood legends.

That night Case, Jenn and Tiff came out to support my performance at Monday Night Tease at The 3 of Clubs. Even though I missed out on hanging with my friends for a couple hours, I had some great times backstage with some lovely ladies: Scarlett Letter from LA; Miss Hells Bells and Daiquiri Dusk from Scotand; Olivia Rouge, Lou Lou D’Vil, and Cherrie A. Dorable from Finland. It was an honor to share the stage with them! And a big thank you to Rob the Balloon Man for being a hilarious host, and of course a triple big thank you to Lili VonSchtupp for inviting us onto her stage!!!

After the show, Jenn, Case, Tiff and I bar hopped and got a late dinner in Hollywood before heading to the Anaheim Hilton for a nights rest before our Disneyland adventure!!

TUESDAY= Disneyland. Enough said.

Wednesday we picked up dear Lulu Bell from the airport, had more time in the Garment District, then had a BBQ and “Impromptu Stripe Party” at my friend Danni’s place in Sherman Oaks. That was a great laidback evening.

Thursday was spent in Santa Monica on and under the famous pier for a photoshoot with Rottencandy Photography. We had so much fun and it was great to see Angel again!

Then Lulu was off for Ink-N-Iron and I had a day and a half to just relax before going home!

Friday was girls day/night out. We loaded up the car- Jenn, Tiff, Lauren and I. and headed out early for the little Danish themed town of Solvang. After a delicious Danish breakfast of aebleskiver, we did a wine tasting at the lovely pin-up and gangster themed winery Sort This Out. The warm spiced wine was soooooo wonderful!! And the OH MY GOSH Grenache was such a cute cotton candy pink wine! Yes, I explained a wine as “cute” but if you were there, you’d agree!

We ended our day in Santa Barbara. First hitting up Happy Hours with a few shopping stops along the way. Shopping while tipsy is fun, but dangerous!

Then we had fun dancing the night away to The Aggrolites! I saw a few old friends that night, it was great to catch up!!

Saturday was recovery day, and goodbye day :(
Lulu and I met up once again for the short flight home.

As much as I miss my lovies in California. I was really excited to get home.
Seattle makes me smile.